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Cai, Weicheng & Yi Zhou. 2022. Social Science&Medicine

日期:2022-09-01       点击数:        来源:

由我中心博士研究生蔡韦成、助理教授周羿合作完成的论文“Men smoke less under the C-19 closure policies: The role of altruism(疫情政策下男性吸烟的减少:利他主义的作用)”在期刊Social Science & Medicine第306卷上发表。

Abstract:This study examines whether people smoked more under the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (C-19) closure policies which trapped them at home with their families. In such circumstances, the pleasure from smoking could be more tempting than usual, but at the same time smokers’ families are more likely to be victims of passive smoking. This study uses temporal and regional variations in policy strengths with data from the Oxford COVID-19 Government Response Tracker project (OxCGRT) to examine the impact of C-19 closure policies on smoking behaviors. With longitudinal data from the China Family Panel Studies (CFPS) in 2018 and 2020, we find diminished smoking behaviors among Chinese male adults when the government implemented strict public health policies for the C-19 pandemic. People with more conscientiousness personality traits or stronger pro-family attitudes tend to smoke less as policy stringency increases.



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