5月15日,CSR系列学术讲座2018年第6期,总第14期由纽约大学社会学系助理教授程思薇主讲,题目为Flows and Boundaries: The Evolving Structure of Intragenerational Occupational Mobility Network. 她将职业系统概...
5月9日,CSR系列学术讲座2018年第5期,总第13期由约翰·霍普金斯大学凯瑞商学院助理教授邢亦青主讲,题目为Sustaining Cooperation with Multiple Relationships: Multiplexity on Social Networks. 他及其合作者研究...
This paper use the experience of China's One Child Policy to examine how fertility restrictions affect economic and social outcomes over the lifetime. The One Child Policy imposed a birth quota and he...
The effect of public education policies on maternal education and child health has long been discussed by economists, and many studies have been conducted in an attempt to identify the mechanisms thro...
Increasingly, researchers and policy makers are realising the importance of exploring the positive aspects of psychology - what makes a flourishing individual rather than what makes people mentally un...
2017年10月31日,2017年秋季第五期“社会研究中心系列讲座”在中心521会议室顺利举行。中国人民大学社会与人口学院讲师靳永爱为中心师生带来了题为“Women’s Fertility Autonomy in Urban China: The Role of Coupl...